The Church of What's Happenin' Now
What We Believe
Learned truths
The entirety of our scripture may be found here.
Noblesse Oblige
We in the Republic of Bookland do not have a classless society. (Hey, at least we're honest about it!) There are those who
have the intelligence and interest and discipline to be involved in public governance, and there are those who for one reason or other
are not so involved. The haves must look out for the have-nots. In the Church of What's Happenin' Now that means more than simply
being charitable. It means not regarding the lack of sophistication of the have-nots as an opportunity for economic exploitation.
No Blame Games
Blaming is typically an excercise in "empowerment," and empowerment typically means gaining power over others.
We avoid such games. Really, those who enjoy blame games will not enjoy Bookland or its Church of What's Happenin' Now.
We have an API for all monotheistic religions. You may be part of our church and at the same time be part of any other monotheistic
religion. If anything in our scriptures or canons conflicts with those of your faith, the latter takes precedence.
Other ramblings links from our church